Out of the suffering – counselling Adelaide help

Previously, we’ve looked at how people can completely transform their lives with counselling Adelaide.

Counselling services bring relief from suffering and are powerful in life changing ways. I genuinely believe the majority of my mission on earth is to help ease the suffering of others. If I can help others find a path to their own wholeness or reconnect to their inner selves and perhaps something beyond the self then I feel I’m completely doing what I am meant to be doing.

Covert manipulation – are you experiencing it?

adelaide counsellor

I’ve witnessed a lot of clients in the past talk about a very concerning type of behaviour that is very underhanded and can be distressing. Known as covert manipulation.

It’s part of the cycle of abuse that can happen when you’re in a relationship or interacting with someone that is manipulative. Whilst all types of manipulation is toxic and underhanded, this covert stuff can be potentially quite damaging. And it’s different in its own sense and holds an even deeper layer of manipulation. It can often even have a hidden or underlying energy to it. So it’s worth identifying and discussing.

Decision fatigue: a contributor to anxiety and overwhelm

adelaide counsellor

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you often feel so foggy you can’t even decide what to cook for dinner? Perhaps you have piles of paperwork waiting for you to deal with “one day” when you feel clear enough to know where it all belongs. If any of these are sounding vaguely familiar, there’s a possibility you may be suffering from decision fatigue.

The New Self Care ebook – free download

self care book

It’s undeniable that I’m passionate about self care. But not self care as you may know it. I’m determined to inform the world about the “new self care” that we have been neglecting and one which truly makes a deep, long lasting difference in someone’s life. 

A year of Adelaide counselling – a reflection

adelaide counsellor

It’s with disbelief that I realise that it’s “that time of the year again” and that the year has seemingly flown by. I wonder what it is about the modern human mind that we find it difficult to grapple with the swiftness of time?

Setting boundaries to combat holiday season stress

Adelaide counselling

Are you already starting to feel the tension and stress of this busy time of year? The holiday season is a time when we traditionally gather with family and friends through formal and informal gatherings. 

Go slow – the benefits of slowing down

slowing down and relax

If you have been following my enewsletter or my social media channels, you know that I have been recommending slow living. This concept of slowing down is about allowing yourself to have a slow morning or a slow weekend. Rather than succumbing to the busyness that our lifestyles and modern culture seems to dictate. 

20 wellbeing tips

Adelaide counselling

Here is my easy guide with a collection of wellbeing tips.

Ten Tanya truisms

1. Your most precious commodity is your time.

2. Stop rushing and wholeheartedly give yourself permission to be slow.

3. Self care is actually a decision.

4. Meditation is the antidote to stress and overwhelm.