Understanding the effect of a toxic relationship

adelaide counselling

Defining and understanding toxic relationships is such a broad topic, which we’ve already started to uncover. Importantly, it’s worth noting that in discussing a toxic relationship that all facets of behaviour are dynamic. And often it is interdependent.

Best books on narcissistic abuse

As well as some credible counselling and dedicated self care, it’s great to have arsenal when it comes to learning and protecting yourself against narcissistic abuse. That’s why I’ve suggested some of the best books on narcissistic abuse as helpful resources.

Five signs of a toxic relationship

signs of a toxic relationship

Relationships are good for you. They increase your life experiences, bring you new things and help you grow into a better version of yourself. But there are other relationships that may end up degrading you as an individual. This is referred to as a toxic relationship.

What is emotional abuse?

adelaide counselling

Emotional abuse can be many things. Emotional abuse is used as a control and manipulation tactic. It can happen in any scenario: at work, at school, within families, between parents and children, and between siblings.

What is EFT?

adelaide EFT

If you are in search of complementary treatment for physical pain and emotional distress, you can consider EFT. Discover what EFT is all about, how it works to manage body tension and calm the mind. It has also been known to help with anxiety and depression.

Getting to know narcissistic abuse

adelaide counsellor

One in four Australian women suffers emotional abuse from a partner. One of the types of emotional abuse someone can experience is narcissistic abuse. 

What is coaching?

adelaide counselling

Coaching is a way for an individual to access guidance, support and mentorship that is tailored and totally unique to their needs and wants for their life. Just like an athlete has a coach for their chosen sport/area that is employed to help them be their personal best and ‘win the game’, a life coach does exactly the same for someone’s life, relationship, career, business… or all!

Five Adelaide places to complement your counselling

adelaide counselling relaxing tea

Managing stress is a different process for everybody. But it’s important for everyone to stay on top of their stress levels to prevent chronic burnout and maintain abundant wellbeing.

Have you ever heard someone say ‘my mind is just too busy to meditate’? Often, the same people comment that going for a run or playing the guitar serves as their meditation equivalent. Everyone has a different way of releasing stress.