20 wellbeing tips

November 1, 2018
Adelaide counselling

Here is my easy guide with a collection of wellbeing tips.

Ten Tanya truisms

  1. Your most precious commodity is your time.
  2. Stop rushing and wholeheartedly give yourself permission to be slow.
  3. Self care is actually a decision.
  4. Meditation is the antidote to stress and overwhelm.
  5. Anger is truly useful in that it ensures we quickly establish boundaries.
  6. Now, more than ever, it’s important to be very real, honest and authentic every chance we can. Actively choose to let people see things the way they really are. 
  7. When it comes to self care, what we’re actually seeking is an alignment with oneself that has been deeply missing.
  8. From authenticity, breeds connection and trust and will also help to readjust our pattern recognition in our brains.
  9. Relaxation is a significant tool and state of being that we need to cultivate to navigate this world.
  10. The attitude of self care shows up in our conduct and the way we interact with others. In particular, how we teach others (with our actions, words, behaviours etc) to treat us.

Ten Tanya Tips

  1. Redistribute the amount of housework labour everyone does in your house, to gain back pockets of time.
  2. Having conversations with your family about the topic of equality and learning how to make agreements with each other, rather than just expecting others to pull their weight and having the same standards as you (and then getting mad when they don’t) is vital.
  3. By discussing with your partner how you feel when they repeat behaviour that makes you feel negative emotion, you are instantly giving your inner self the signal that you are valuable.
  4. Be more authentic by sharing with others: what is truly going on, what it takes to do what you do, your journey to an end result, or the realities of life.
  5. Ask yourself, even when under pressure or stress, what remains of value to me, even when challenged? 
  6. If you are new to meditation and are seeking relaxation and its benefits, my recommendation is guided meditation. It’s also a great alternative for those without a structured spiritual practice from which to meditate.
  7. Research conducted by psychologist and neuroscientist, Daniel Levitin, shows that shows that “mind wandering” is vital. And necessary for our brains to reset, recharge and recalibrate. 
  8.  If we listen to our own vocabulary and observe the day to day choices that we make as we interact with our world, we will begin to understand and pinpoint where our current attitude of self care is.
  9. Feeling nervous, apprehensive or fearful as actually a good sign. Because it means you are tapping into what it will mean to take a necessary step. Especially when it comes to seeking out counselling. It means you are taking this step seriously. And a part of you already knows that you are going to be in a space of vulnerability. Most worthwhile ventures often contain an element of discomfort. As they stretch us beyond our current reality and encourage us to a new, brighter state of being.
  10. Showing up is 80 per cent of the work.  

Share your favourite wellbeing tips in the comments below.

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