Making your own support team – counselling services Adelaide

adelaide counselling services

Fourteen per cent of people in a global survey said they felt chronically overwhelmed. And just under five million Australians are feeling the effects of stress.

How we react and handle things in times of overwhelm and stress can actually come down to our psychological hardwiring. But there are also other factors at play— comparing ourselves to others, advancing communication channels, additional pressures and expectations, our attitudes and life circumstances.

Treating burnout – tips and techniques

chronic burnout

Burnout is becoming a significant health problem in Australia. ‘The World Health Organization upgraded its assessment of the threat posed by burnout. The condition, says the WHO, is a “syndrome” involving a range of symptoms related to chronic stress.’

The benefits of grief counselling

adelaide grief counselling

With 158 493 deaths in Australia during 2018, grieving is a very normal emotional response to a common life experience. Everyone grieves differently in their own way and in their own unique timeframe (which is sometimes not linear).

What is chronic burnout?

what is chronic burnout symptoms

Have you ever wondered what is chronic burnout? The term burnout has become so widely used today that it’s now common to hear some people complain about being burned out, even when they’re merely referring to a bad day at work. However, this highly taxing emotional, physical and mental state has a deeper meaning than merely being exhausted.

What is trauma bonding?

trauma bonding

Are you in a relationship with someone who is obviously not good for you but you can’t seem to find it in you to leave them? You are not alone. You and many others may be experiencing the symptoms of trauma bonding without even realising it.

How to overcome narcissistic abuse

relationship trauma

It’s not uncommon that once you realise you are in a damaging relationship that you are desperate to know how to overcome narcissistic abuse.

I often share with clients that have experienced narcissistic abuse a visual map that I have drawn up, that describes the narcissistic cycle of abuse. It’s similar to the commonly known cycle of abuse but with a couple of extra twists and turns that are pertinent to this type of abuse. When you look at my visual map of the cycle of narcissistic abuse you can begin to see the complexities of healing from narcissistic abuse.

How to know when you need relationship counselling

adelaide relationship counselling

Relationships are not static; they take a lot of work from both parties to maintain!

Individuals in a relationship usually go through different feelings and emotions ranging from moments of romantic excitement and loving closeness to periods when both partners feel distant and are unable to stand each other.

How to leave an emotionally abusive relationship

emotionally abusive relationship

Leaving any relationship can be difficult or uncomfortable. Leaving an emotionally abusive relationship can seem near impossible. The fact is, extricating yourself from the entanglement of an emotionally abusive relationship is NOT the same as typical breaking up. It is a unique set of dynamics, usually involving trauma bonding to some degree.