Five Adelaide places to complement your counselling

April 9, 2019
adelaide counselling relaxing tea

Managing stress is a different process for everybody. But it’s important for everyone to stay on top of their stress levels to prevent chronic burnout and maintain abundant wellbeing.

Have you ever heard someone say ‘my mind is just too busy to meditate’? Often, the same people comment that going for a run or playing the guitar serves as their meditation equivalent. Everyone has a different way of releasing stress.

adelaide counselling relaxation

I encourage you to undertake what works for you. Some people respond much better to ergotropic inductions and methods (movement and stimuli), whereas others find stress release with trophotropic inductions and methods (stillness, quiet, relaxation). Both modes are a natural parts of the central nervous system but we can deliberately use more stimulation and exercise or little to no stimulation or movement to help us to relax. Both methods work; it’s just a matter of understanding which works better for you!

Below, I have included five Adelaide places that induce stress relief in both ergotropic and trophotropic ways, which you might like to explore to assist your pathway to better wellbeing. Don’t forget to incorporate Adelaide counselling services into your repertoire!

1 Alli Priolo

Alli is a personal trainer (based in Crafers and accessible online) that has a holistic focus. Her approach is person centred and she will get you the results you want by working specifically with you. With a background and trainging in yoga, dance and Pilates— as well as personal training— she is acutely aware of what you need to get you what you want! She is super lovely and absolutely walks her talk! Movement has been proven to assist stress relief and relaxation and if you respond well to trophotropic ways, then consider accessing a personal trainer, like Alli.

Aspire to Wellbeing

2 Melissa Laing

adelaide counselling relaxing tea

Melissa and all of her staff at Melissa Laing Pilates are wonderful and caring and have your best needs at heart. Melissa has had her studio for more than 25 years and was one of the first Pilates practitioners in Australia.

Breath, centring, core and flow of movement all contribute to each session’s fantastic physical training and whole being workout. Stress relief and relaxation are welcome side effects of this wonderful practice, regardless of your intent. It is truly a boutique experience as you walk through the doors of this Adelaide city studio, greeted by a cup of tea.

Melissa Liang Pilates studio

3 The Sanctuary at Hove

The Sanctuary at Hove offers tension releasing massages. Massage is an awesome way for you to access stress relief. The environment, aromas, sounds and the skilled therapists will take you to a world of calm. There are many benefits to massage but for those of you that are less inclined to exercise for stress management, massage may just be your thing.

I’ve noticed that Many GPs and other health professionals are now recommending massage as a way to destress and better your wellbeing.

Sanctuary at Hove

4 Adelaide Himeji Garden

Adelaide counselling stress relief
Image credit: Adelaide Himeji Garden

This is my favourite meditation spot. For me just entering the gates at the traditional Japanese Himeji Garden transports me into a different state of being. There are many choices here for seating, where you can look out at the tranquil setting and meditate. Or you can simply walk around the paths admiring the balance and harmony that this specifically curated garden provides. Always calm, quiet and extraordinarily peaceful, this is my number one meditation spot in Adelaide or even perfect for just a mindfulness walk. Just being there is calming and good for the soul!

Adelaide Himeji Garden

5 SOE Bioremedies

Vibrational remedies and organic and natural aromatherapy and skin care. This is an Adelaide business that makes vibrational remedies right here in Adelaide. These homeopathic type remedies help you with your mental and emotional wellbeing and enhance your energy frequency in the place you would like it!

I have been using and recommending SOE products for more than seven years now— particularly in my Adelaide counselling practice— as they are my personal favourite when it comes to emotional wellbeing and support.

SOE Bioremedies

And, as always, I am here to support your wellbeing and stress reduction. Please book into my Adelaide counselling services today.

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