How to deal with infidelity

how to deal with infidelity in your relationships

About twenty per cent of Australian couples experience infidelity. Whilst this is often a person’s worst nightmare, it is possible to learn how to deal with infidelity and have your relationship remain intact. Recovery is possible and as we’ve looked at previously, relationship counselling can save a relationship.

How to enhance the counselling services you receive

counselling session adelaide

As we’ve previously looked at, counselling services can provide a whole range of benefits, whether you’re embarking on the counselling journey as an individual or a couple. But a counselling session may not always be enough as a stand alone activity and there are many ways in which you can enhance their effectiveness in between appointments. Committing to the following behaviours will ensure you work through challenges quickly and get the most out of your therapy.

Can counselling save a relationship?

can counselling save a relationship same sex

You may have hit a rocky patch in your relationship or one person has engaged in infidelity or other value conflicting behaviours. You may also be wondering can counselling save a relationship?

Essentially the answer is yes! Which is good news for a lot of couples out there.

However, the couple needs to invest time and practice into changing behaviours and implementing the tools suggested by the counsellor in order for the counselling process to truly work and have a positive effect on your relationship.

Did you know that you can have emotionally abusive parents?

emotionally abusive parents counselling

Many of us are aware of the adverse effects of emotional abuse from friends and loved ones but few realise that this form of abuse can, sadly, come from our parents too. However, in this case, the signs and symptoms of emotionally abusive parents can be a lot more challenging to detect by outside observers and even the children themselves.

Psychology and psychotherapy – what’s the difference?

adelaide counselling

The difference between psychology and psychotherapy can be a little confusing. Perhaps partly because the two words— psychotherapy/psychology look so similar. And they are also quite similar professions with some crossover counselling involved.

What to expect at couples counselling 

adelaide couples counselling

If you have never experienced couples counselling before, it can be a daunting thing to enter into. It’s not always how it looks on the TV either.

People realise it’s time for couples counselling when relationship problems arise, such as continuously arguing about the same thing, feeling disconnected, lack of trust and betrayals and other issues.

Making your own support team – counselling services Adelaide

adelaide counselling services

Fourteen per cent of people in a global survey said they felt chronically overwhelmed. And just under five million Australians are feeling the effects of stress.

How we react and handle things in times of overwhelm and stress can actually come down to our psychological hardwiring. But there are also other factors at play— comparing ourselves to others, advancing communication channels, additional pressures and expectations, our attitudes and life circumstances.

Treating burnout – tips and techniques

chronic burnout

Burnout is becoming a significant health problem in Australia. ‘The World Health Organization upgraded its assessment of the threat posed by burnout. The condition, says the WHO, is a “syndrome” involving a range of symptoms related to chronic stress.’