Free 7 Part Audio Series From Tanya M Wilson

Heal From Narcissistic Abuse

If you have experienced or are currently in the middle of narcissistic abuse as a victim, listen to this 7 part free audio series that is created with your very special set of circumstances and needs taken into account. It will help you to understand the symptoms and cycle of narcissistic abuse so you can take the next steps towards your healing.

Listen to the 7 part free audio series

Episode 1: How it feels to be in a relationship with a narcissist

Episode 2: The power, control & drama of a narcissist

Episode 3: What does recovery actually involve?

Episode 4: The addictive cycle of narcissistic abuse

Episode 5: The importance of labelling abuse

Episode 6: Why and how transpersonal counselling helps

Episode 7: What you can expect in recovery and transformation after narcissistic abuse