Health and wellbeing advice for being your best self

health and wellbeing advice water

Whether you’ve had a stressful month or year or just generally can’t seem to get on top of things and tend to feel a bit run down, take heart because there are plenty of things you can do to help to feel great again. Read on to discover some of my tried and true health and wellbeing advice.

Treating burnout – tips and techniques

chronic burnout

Burnout is becoming a significant health problem in Australia. ‘The World Health Organization upgraded its assessment of the threat posed by burnout. The condition, says the WHO, is a “syndrome” involving a range of symptoms related to chronic stress.’

What is chronic burnout?

what is chronic burnout symptoms

Have you ever wondered what is chronic burnout? The term burnout has become so widely used today that it’s now common to hear some people complain about being burned out, even when they’re merely referring to a bad day at work. However, this highly taxing emotional, physical and mental state has a deeper meaning than merely being exhausted.

How to overcome narcissistic abuse

relationship trauma

It’s not uncommon that once you realise you are in a damaging relationship that you are desperate to know how to overcome narcissistic abuse.

I often share with clients that have experienced narcissistic abuse a visual map that I have drawn up, that describes the narcissistic cycle of abuse. It’s similar to the commonly known cycle of abuse but with a couple of extra twists and turns that are pertinent to this type of abuse. When you look at my visual map of the cycle of narcissistic abuse you can begin to see the complexities of healing from narcissistic abuse.

What is coaching?

adelaide counselling

Coaching is a way for an individual to access guidance, support and mentorship that is tailored and totally unique to their needs and wants for their life. Just like an athlete has a coach for their chosen sport/area that is employed to help them be their personal best and ‘win the game’, a life coach does exactly the same for someone’s life, relationship, career, business… or all!

The importance of the aha moment

Adelaide counselling

You might also know the aha moment as an epiphany. There are other similar terms that you may have also heard for a similar concept: leaps of thought, the Eureka moment, conscious insight and snap resolutions of the divided self. Or, more subtly it might show up as a recurring thought or feeling. It might appear as noticing an outdated or limiting belief that had previously run quietly in the background. But now with a newfound awareness, you start to question it. It could present as self enquiry with questions such as: 

The New Self Care ebook – free download

self care book

It’s undeniable that I’m passionate about self care. But not self care as you may know it. I’m determined to inform the world about the “new self care” that we have been neglecting and one which truly makes a deep, long lasting difference in someone’s life. 

Setting boundaries to combat holiday season stress

Adelaide counselling

Are you already starting to feel the tension and stress of this busy time of year? The holiday season is a time when we traditionally gather with family and friends through formal and informal gatherings.