What is the narcissistic abuse cycle?

narcissistic abuse cycle

In the US alone, more than sixty million people suffer narcissistic abuse. As horrible as it is, narcissistic abuse is unfortunately quite predictable and follows a pattern. Here are the typical phases of the narcissistic abuse cycle:

How to overcome narcissistic abuse

how to overcome narcissistic abuse

As a counsellor, I specialise in helping my clients deal with narcissistic abuse— whether they are still in the relationship or have formally dissolved the relationship. It’s important to remember that you do not have to learn how to overcome narcissistic abuse all by yourself. An experienced professional can work wonders with your self esteem, perspective and healing journey.

Below, are my suggestions that will set you on the right pathway to overcoming narcissistic abuse.

Five surprising symptoms of narcissistic abuse

narcissistic abuse activities

Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological abuse, also known as emotional abuse, carried out by someone with narcissistic traits or someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists are people who feel overly self important, lack empathy and feel an excessive need for admiration.

What is trauma bonding?

trauma bonding

Are you in a relationship with someone who is obviously not good for you but you can’t seem to find it in you to leave them? You are not alone. You and many others may be experiencing the symptoms of trauma bonding without even realising it.

How to overcome narcissistic abuse

relationship trauma

It’s not uncommon that once you realise you are in a damaging relationship that you are desperate to know how to overcome narcissistic abuse.

I often share with clients that have experienced narcissistic abuse a visual map that I have drawn up, that describes the narcissistic cycle of abuse. It’s similar to the commonly known cycle of abuse but with a couple of extra twists and turns that are pertinent to this type of abuse. When you look at my visual map of the cycle of narcissistic abuse you can begin to see the complexities of healing from narcissistic abuse.

Best books on narcissistic abuse

As well as some credible counselling and dedicated self care, it’s great to have arsenal when it comes to learning and protecting yourself against narcissistic abuse. That’s why I’ve suggested some of the best books on narcissistic abuse as helpful resources.

Getting to know narcissistic abuse

adelaide counsellor

One in four Australian women suffers emotional abuse from a partner. One of the types of emotional abuse someone can experience is narcissistic abuse.