Same sex relationship counselling for healthy couples

Often when I have someone in my practice who identifies as LGBTQIA and undertaking same sex relationship counselling, they may be seeking understanding about how their partner’s behaviour affects them. Sometimes behaviour can be abusive and the client will put it down to being part of the LGBTQIA community. For example, I commonly hear ‘oh that is just what happens in the gay community.’ Or ‘this is what you have to put up with being a gay man/lesbian.’

What is the narcissistic abuse cycle?

narcissistic abuse cycle

In the US alone, more than sixty million people suffer narcissistic abuse. As horrible as it is, narcissistic abuse is unfortunately quite predictable and follows a pattern. Here are the typical phases of the narcissistic abuse cycle:

How to overcome narcissistic abuse

how to overcome narcissistic abuse

As a counsellor, I specialise in helping my clients deal with narcissistic abuse— whether they are still in the relationship or have formally dissolved the relationship. It’s important to remember that you do not have to learn how to overcome narcissistic abuse all by yourself. An experienced professional can work wonders with your self esteem, perspective and healing journey.

Below, are my suggestions that will set you on the right pathway to overcoming narcissistic abuse.

Advantages of online counselling

advantages of online counselling

There are many benefits of getting regular counselling, whether you’re experiencing heightened anxiety, relationship troubles or wish to improve areas of your life and wellbeing. Studies have shown that decreased depressive and anxiety symptoms are evident in effective counselling and can be a really helpful way of managing symptoms of mental illness. Longterm counselling can also arm you with a range of coping skills.

Five surprising symptoms of narcissistic abuse

narcissistic abuse activities

Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological abuse, also known as emotional abuse, carried out by someone with narcissistic traits or someone with narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists are people who feel overly self important, lack empathy and feel an excessive need for admiration.

Did you know that you can have emotionally abusive parents?

emotionally abusive parents counselling

Many of us are aware of the adverse effects of emotional abuse from friends and loved ones but few realise that this form of abuse can, sadly, come from our parents too. However, in this case, the signs and symptoms of emotionally abusive parents can be a lot more challenging to detect by outside observers and even the children themselves.

Psychology and psychotherapy – what’s the difference?

adelaide counselling

The difference between psychology and psychotherapy can be a little confusing. Perhaps partly because the two words— psychotherapy/psychology look so similar. And they are also quite similar professions with some crossover counselling involved.

What is trauma bonding?

trauma bonding

Are you in a relationship with someone who is obviously not good for you but you can’t seem to find it in you to leave them? You are not alone. You and many others may be experiencing the symptoms of trauma bonding without even realising it.