Health and wellbeing advice for being your best self

health and wellbeing advice water

Whether you’ve had a stressful month or year or just generally can’t seem to get on top of things and tend to feel a bit run down, take heart because there are plenty of things you can do to help to feel great again. Read on to discover some of my tried and true health and wellbeing advice.

What is coaching?

adelaide counselling

Coaching is a way for an individual to access guidance, support and mentorship that is tailored and totally unique to their needs and wants for their life. Just like an athlete has a coach for their chosen sport/area that is employed to help them be their personal best and ‘win the game’, a life coach does exactly the same for someone’s life, relationship, career, business… or all!

20 wellbeing tips

Adelaide counselling

Here is my easy guide with a collection of wellbeing tips.

Ten Tanya truisms

1. Your most precious commodity is your time.

2. Stop rushing and wholeheartedly give yourself permission to be slow.

3. Self care is actually a decision.

4. Meditation is the antidote to stress and overwhelm.

How to stop procrastinating – showing up

Adelaide counselling

Working. Changing. Healing. Projects. Success.

All of these require work. But did you know that showing up is 80 per cent of the work? And possibly how to stop procrastinating.

There are times when we are reluctant to do the “thing” we need to do. It might look like cancelling an appointment, not completing an important task or giving your time away when you needed that time for yourself or your business.

Who does the housework?

adelaide therapist

Who does the housework in your home? Are you doing ALL or most of the housework and domestic duties in your household?

Statistics show that the average Australian woman spends between five and 14 hours a week doing unpaid domestic housework. Whilst males are doing just five.